Friday, September 13, 2013


does real love exist? is there really someone for everyone? most people when you ask them about love, they'll tell you that you'll just know you'll feel it, but most of the time when you think it's love its just lust, youll be infatuated with the person for some time but eventually the feelings will change, you'll lose interest or whatever the person is offering might not interest you anymore. That can't be love because love is forever right? at least that's what people who get married think, but divorce rates say otherwise now a days so who knows. Im beginning to think its just a figment of our imagination, like the only people who will tell you they love you and actually mean it will be family members, and half the time not even them. I think instead of people telling each other "I love you" they should just say "I lust you" so that way no one get's their hopes up and believes that theres something there when in reality it probably isn't. Excuse my late afternoon ventation i just needed to clear my mind :)

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